Ugly Baby Animals Definition
Source( the study of the origins of words. For example, the etymology of Pokemon is the phrase Pocket Monsters. While some Pokemon names are quite obvious, many have obscure backgrounds. They range from simple animal connections to complex scienctific terms and mythological creatures.
Below is a complete list of the Pokemon names origins we have researched. The list was contributed to by several of our members. If you spot any errors or missing origins, you can let us know in this forum thread.I am a girl, and another girl whom I have a crush on are in the rainforest and we live in a hut. In the dream we’re crossing a bridge and I get over it fine but my friend starts to get threatened by an alligator, and she is screaming to me for help. But there's nothing I can do.
Dear Dreamer, One possibility suggested by the dream is that your friend may be hypersensitive to the biting remarks and comments that some might have if she discussed being in a lesbian relationship. Whereas you seem to be fine with the situation and your relationship, she might be much more cautious than you. In any event, this might be a topic that the two of you could discuss.I have been in the largest jumble of depression and confusion lately. I am a quiet person that is concerned in finding a soulmate. At the same time, it's hard for me to talk to most people around me. A friend and I are very close to God and have very strong spiritual beliefs. The average person usually shuns me for being different. I dreampt that I was in my room. I was very tired and just wanted to lie around in my bed. At one point, I got up and stood by my window. Shocked and frightened to see a giant black bear out on the roof. Immediately upon seeing me, the bear burst in through the window. I am in terror, got so scared that I don't know how I got out of the mess! Each time I would lay back down on my bed hopping to get some sleep. But if I wiggled and squirmed the bear always saw me and would bother me again. This happened several times. The bear never mauled or hurt me, rather it was just always curious of me. The only thing is it terrified me to death each time! Finally after one of the encounters, I jumped and wedged myself as close to the wall and the edge of my bed as I possibly could. I could feel the warmth and comfort of my bed, but I just froze. My plan was to not move no matter what happened. Assuming correctly, the bear entered again, jumped up on my bed and stalled. I couldn't move an inch. I could have sworn that I was holding my breath but I heard this breathing. I could feel my face, and my entire body becoming hot in fear. Yet I was afraid to open my eyes in concern of what the breathing noise I heard was all about! I couldn't figure it out. Finally in fear, and the fact that I knew logically these things couldn't happen. I decided to make myself wake up. The only thing that scared me the most was what really is making that breathing noise? I concluded that the breathing was actually me. Please help me!
Dear Dreamer, The black bear is often a symbol of your depression. It might also suggest that part of your depression is somehow connected to anger. That the bear first appears on the roof suggests that this depression is often on your mind, and you may often wonder, "How am I going to get out of this?" Your plan not move in the dream suggests that you haven't yet gotten a handle on your depression or really been able to do what you need to do to change it. That you realize that the breathing is actually you could indicate that your depression is connected to your own thought processes (or alternatively your physical body). Since the dream is showing you that you survive each time, I think it is an indicator that ultimately you will be okay but that you really need to find a way to help yourself in the present. If your present counselor isn't being helpful, find another one. Let me also recommend that you have a chemical test to see if your body chemistry is somehow contributing to the depression. In terms of finding a relationship, continue to work on healing your depression (and anger, if there is any). Let me also recommend the book, Edgar Cayce on Soul Mates, by Kevin Todeschi. Good luck to you.My 12-year-old daughter dreamed about doves twice in one week on two different nights. On the first night in the first dream she said God was walking through a garden, when he got to the lake there was a basket he opened the basket and lots of white doves flew from the basket. In the second dream (a different night) both God and myself (the mother of the dreamer) were walking towards a basket by the lake this time both God and I opened the basket filled with white doves and the doves flew from the basket. Please interpret this dream for my daughter to give her some understanding what it may mean. Thank you in advance.
Dear Dreamer, Doves can have many meanings, some of which are dependent upon how the dreamer feels or thinks about doves. Generally, a dove can symbolize peace, love, freedom or even spirituality (as in the Holy Spirit). With this in mind, the dream seems to be one of reassurance or encouragement for your daughter, either suggesting that she has some sort of spiritual connection with the Divine, or perhaps suggesting the love, peace, or freedom she craves is within her grasp. Regardless of the personal meaning, it appears to be a very positive sign. You might ask her what doves mean to her and then get to the heart of the dream from that approach. was taking a nap this afternoon and I had a dream that I was at a house (not mine) and the next door neighbors had a bunch of children outside playing when the man started to yell, “Look it’s a bird, a great big bird.” At first I thought he said bear but I could not see a bear. Then when I looked up I saw a huge eagle. He was beautiful and he was flying so gracefully. The lady gave me what I thought were binoculars but it was a movie cam. I could not see the eagle with the cam, yet when I looked with my naked eye, I could see him just as clear as can be. I couldn't believe how big he was, and it was a bald eagle also. I could see his snow-white head and beautiful black feathers. I was so excited! He filled me with a sense awe, and peace. What does it mean?
Dear Dreamer, An eagle is usually an archetypal symbol for the thymus or heart center. It is also a symbol for love. My sense is that the sense of awe and peace you felt is associated with some kind of “love” that has or is about to enter your life. This could be love associated with a relationship, love associated with doing what is really important to you, or love that is connected to some kind of personal spiritual search.I was sitting in my family room that leads to our pool. I looked out the window and there on the pool rail was a crow. He looked hurt and wasn't moving too much. When I looked up again there was a vulture right next to the crow. The vulture seemed as if he was trying to peak and eat the crow. I ran outside and tried to shoo the vulture away but instead of him leaving he came and started to attack me. But after fighting with the bird he finally left. When I turned back around I noticed that the crow wasn't there anymore. The crow fell into my pool and was sinking to the bottom. I went to get a bucket to save the crow but when I came back the poor crow died. Please tell me what my dream means. I don't think having crows and vultures in a dream is a good thing.
Dear Dreamer, Oftentimes in dreams, birds are symbols for messengers of some kind. For example, as sparrow is a symbol of spring, a rooster as the symbolic of a new day (or a new beginning), doves can be symbolic of love, a relationship or peace, and so forth. Both crows and vultures are symbolic of a "death" or the ending of something. It is not that someone is literally dying; instead it can suggest that something is coming to an end. With this in mind, the imagery in the dream suggests that something associated with your household may be coming to an end and you don't really want it to come to an end but there doesn't appear to be much that you can do about it. Examples might be: the end of a relationship (e.g. a divorce), having to change jobs or schools, or the end of your present living situation (e.g. a move). I hope that helps.
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